A concise handbook!
I liked the concept! Its straight forward in a contaxt that anyone can understand and also accuaratly illustrates all the rankings and levels to obtain them!
Good job!
A concise handbook!
I liked the concept! Its straight forward in a contaxt that anyone can understand and also accuaratly illustrates all the rankings and levels to obtain them!
Good job!
Thanks! I wish more people liked my work as much as you.
I can tell a lot of work went into this! Its an awesome game you have built yourself here. My constructive criticism you could say is that it is a little slow it would have been good to be able to get around with better agility. Anyway good work!
Its good if you like that kind of thing. Personally I have seen better soundboards with more content.
If you put your mind to it you could really make something awesome with your actionscripting skills! Good use of Arrays!
Wow... Dots!
Um its a little bit of fun to make those dots. But errrr. Its really isn't that good.
Atleast it passed for you.
Now you have a low scoring ball and bat game under your name on newgrounds. You must feel proud.
actually i do, since it might not seem that way but ive been working long and hard on that game. but the thing is, the completed version is yet to be uploaded instead of this one. the completed just need a few final touchs.
Dots are fun to dodge.
Its fun for 30 seconds until I dodge all the circles and beat the game.
Keep up the good work.
I am a superstar with a big big house and a big big car, I am a superstar and I don't care who you are,
Joined on 4/7/03