That was fucking hillarious. I remember watching other from this series and this by FAR exceeds it! The best part was when he stabs -Knox-
Good job
***13.7 thumbs up***
That was fucking hillarious. I remember watching other from this series and this by FAR exceeds it! The best part was when he stabs -Knox-
Good job
***13.7 thumbs up***
I am glad you liked it.
Not bad
Its interesting to make a flash movie about recording you and a friend fucking around. None the less you did do a pritty good job,.
It was still stolen
Them going around robbing banks was a little funny. But yeah... Stealing artwork that other flash artists worked on is LAME.
Great.... Again!
Wow this just keeps getting freakier and freakier. The grandmother was off the planet. Again with the cockroaches. The english accents on the were hillarious!
An interesting concept you have where this is Actually the end of the serties. The cockroach was freaky!
Not bad!
It was quite sureal and original. I liked how the whole thing was in B & W too. Its hard to make something look really good and have it restricted to only 2 colours.
Great work!
Could have been better
If your having a stab at the NG BBS you could have at least made it with a bit more effort into the voice acting. I mean it sounds like you guys recorded it at 3am while you were hammered.
I did find the stabbing kinda funny.
That's my voice... I can't change it.
I could tell what was coming a mile away when he picked the grenade up. Still it was interesting watching the very first submission!
This was the best EVER!
I am a superstar with a big big house and a big big car, I am a superstar and I don't care who you are,
Joined on 4/7/03