Keep trying
You need to fix that broken preloader of yours. It flicks around like anything. Not a bad theme but the music also need some EQ work done to it. Its VERY screechy for the ears.
Keep trying
You need to fix that broken preloader of yours. It flicks around like anything. Not a bad theme but the music also need some EQ work done to it. Its VERY screechy for the ears.
the :D was the best part
Its not a bad idea to make something based on the old nes games. But the writing at the start dragged on and then the actual movie was not really that entertaining. Good luck in the future.
What the fuck?
You had a real good idea to have a parody sitcom with jesus and SS and you had to fuck it up with a crap puch line like that. I hope to GOD your next one has comical value :P
You could do something with this
Its obviouls you have some skill. You could eventually make something from your skill. However this movie only shows what can you do. A boy walking to school everyday isn't really that entertaining.
Its obvius you have ripped sounds from movies for the vocals (like "milk money" for example). I really couldn't see much point otherwise. The drawings wen't too bad in some parts but the guns could have been atleast drawn.
Random locks jumping around n stuff...
It sure was random but whether it is a "good" kind of random is another story.
This is very average
You didn't even bother having a background... And the animations very choppy. I hope you do better next time.
I am a superstar with a big big house and a big big car, I am a superstar and I don't care who you are,
Joined on 4/7/03